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Feb 15, 2021
Biodegradable Floss!
Limiting single use plastics is key to minimizing plastics in our environment. Here’s a list of the best biodegradable flosses based on...

Feb 8, 2021
Bleeding Gums Can Be Caused by a Vitamin C Deficiency!
New research has found that, while brushing and flossing are critical for overall oral health, lack of adequate vitamin C, aka ascorbic...

Jan 26, 2021
CBD’s Ability to Break Down Biofilms, such as Tooth Plaque, Can Be Used In Antibiotic Development!
Studies have shown CBD has the ability to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea, meningitis & legionnaires disease! CBD is great...

Jan 18, 2021
Are Tooth Gems Safe?
Tooth gems, or tooth bling, are small rhinestones that are glued to the front of the tooth using an adhesive and a uv light source. This...

Jan 12, 2021
Delaying Oral Health Care During the Pandemic Could Result in Long-Term Problems!
Due to an increase of stressors, there are more evidence of teeth grinding, tooth pain, bite alterations, and fractured teeth. Do not...

Jan 4, 2021
Ancient Tooth Plaque Reveals Diet of Citizens from the Bronze Age!
It was once assumed people of ancient civilizations ate locally and only imported precious stones, but similar to us, they imported foods...
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